Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Message from November 17, 2013

A person can have impressive arguments about why they believe what they believe, but in the end, love is what matters. How a person carries themselves in their human relationships is "the law of Christ", as Paul talks about in Galatians 5:26 - 6:10.

Announcements for November

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Message from November 10

As my series on Galatians begins to wind down, the writer Paul describes what grace in action looks like in a believer's life. Some behaviours are appropriate, and others are not. This message gives some ideas about how to listen to the Spirit's leading in your daily walk with God.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Message from November 3

Jesus has certainly, most definitely set believers free. Paul tells his readers not to take that for granted, and not to indulge in sinfulness; rather, serve others in love.

Announcements for November