Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer VBS

Saddle Ridge Ranch: Roundin' up questions, Drivin' home answers. Based on James 1:5. Kids asked these questions: Who am I?, Does God care about me? Does God have a plan for my life? How can I be like Jesus? and What do I now? We'll be exploring the answers to these questions while playing games, eating fun snacks, singing cool songs, and making awesome crafts. July 9-13 6-8PM for kids age 4 to Grade 6. See you there!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Announcements for June 24

Good words

This goes along with the message...

Message from June 24

This message is about resting in Jesus. Usually the "Sabbath" is thought of as a day, but the reality is that Jesus provides rest for our souls.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Message from Father's Day, June 17

My apologies for taking so long to post this message. My computer had a virus that just kept shutting things down unexpectedly, and I had to wait till today (Saturday) to get a new anti-virus program installed. Anyway, this is an encouraging message about God's love for us, and about how we really just need to soak in that love. Only then can we share anything worth sharing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Message from June 10

Why do we do what we do? Are we working to get a wage from God, or are we doing things from a heart of love? Do we see ourselves as God's servants, or God's children?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June announcements

Message from June 3, 2012

This message has a depressing topic: death. But the word is encouraging, as Jesus defeated both the power of death and the fear of death.