Sunday, December 18, 2011

Message from December 18, 2011

The fourth and final message in our Advent series highlighting prophecies about Jesus, made 400 years before He was born.

Holiday Thoughts 2011 Days 19-25

These are like the chocolates from Advent calendars. Sure, you can have them all on the same day, but rationing them out is a better idea :)

Sorry there is no Day 19. For whatever reason, it vanished from my computer.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Message from December 11, 2011

This is part #3 in our series on Old Testament prophecies about Jesus. Although I always edit the messages before they go online, it's usually just taking out "umms" and "ahhs". The editing of this message involved adding a few words, because of confusion that arose from the sermon.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Holiday Thoughts 2011 Day 5

In case anyone is losing track, this is for Monday, December 5.